

Dragon warrior

The dragon warrior stood up straight. He knew he was the one, the invincible one. Getting defeated is simply not an option.

He smiled and shouted, "I, the great warrior, will not and cannot be defeated! Come at me bro!"

"Shut up and sit down you little piece of shit!" his hairdresser smacked him in the head.

"But why? Why would you do that? Now I look like Skrillex Junior!" The dragon warrior is in tears.

"That's what you get for killing my pet Iguana last week, Mr. Dragon warrior!"



LOL saw this on the internet. I should prolly use this as my profile picture.

The three drunk men

The combination is always like this: The drunk man who is sure he is not drunk, the second drunk man reassuring the first drunk man that he is drunk, and the third drunk man who is sure that his name is not Johnny. 

In this story, the drunkies are Jack, Joe and of course, Johnny. Stepping out of the bar, the cold breeze cleared their mind a bit. All three of them realized that they are not drunk at all. So they got back into the bar and proceed to another round of mindless drinking. 

It was not until 3am that Johnny had the strength to get back on his feet, and struggled to the washroom. Just about to pee, he found out the urinal is in fact, not the urinal and the washroom is in fact, not the washroom. He looked around and found out he is in a snowy forest. 

"What is this shit, huh? Narnia? I just wanna pee!" he shouted at the black cow staring at him. 

The black cow said to him," Moo."

"How dare you mock me you peasant!" The enraged Johnny jumped onto the cow with his full bladder of pee and then discovered the cow had took the shape of his unconscious friend Joe and he was back in the bar.  Johnny is shocked by the magic. 

"What kind of sorcery is this!? Have you killed my friend you shitty cow!?" he shouted. 

The bartender approached and slapped the bejeezus outta him. 

The three drunk men was thrown out of bar. The cold breeze again cleared their mind a bit. Two of them realized that they are not drunk and one of them discovered that he was just in Narnia. So they got  into another bar and proceed to another round of mindless drinking.